Monday, March 12, 2007


So Jason and I are taking a road trip this summer. We're still working out the details, but we know we're leaving on August 5, 2007, and that we'll be gone for just about 3 weeks. It's kind of a large undertaking for two poor college students, but we figured why not! It's something we've wanted to do for a long time, and we have jobs right now that we can actually do it with! So we'll just be in more debt. But that's the life of a college student.

Right now we're working on the schedule of where we're going to be, what we're going to see, and all that fun stuff. It looks like we'll be heading south to California, the going east, ending in Virginia, then going north to Conneticut, then west to Upstate New York, and then back west to Washington! So if you have any suggestions, post them in my comments. We're going to mostly be driving and spending time with people, not stopping to see things. So pretty routes are the best. We're also going to be camping the whole way (except for nights where we're at friends houses), so yay for tents!

We're also thinking about sub-letting our apartment for while we're gone. I'm pretty nervous about letting someone stay in our apartment with all of our stuff, but not paying rent for 3 weeks we aren't home would make a huge difference in the cost of the trip. So we'll see.

Well, that's all I have for now. I'll post once I know more!